[vc_row el_position=”first”] [vc_column width=”1/2″] [vc_toggle title=”WASH AND SEAL” open=”true” el_position=”first last”]
Q. Will my concrete be more slippery after application?
No. The Concrete Protector does not change the appearance or the texture of the surface.
Q. Is it a layer that will wear off?
No. Unlike (film forming sealers)The Concrete Protector is a reactive penetrating sealer that chemically alters the surface of the concrete creating a water resistant membrane protecting the surface from water penetration that causes damage.
Q. Can I use The Concrete Protector in California?
Yes. Meets stringent California South Coast AQMD Requirements.
Q. Can I apply this to my concrete if I have had a sealer on it in the past?
In many cases Yes. It depends on what kind of sealer was applied and if the sealer has been worn away. Most cure and seals will pressure wash away. We suggest doing a sample area. If you notice a yellowing of your sample area there may be a sealer inhibiting the penetration of the sealer.
Q. How long before the concrete is ready for traffic?
12-24 hours.
[/vc_toggle] [/vc_column] [vc_column width=”1/2″] [vc_toggle title=”PROTECTOR SYSTEMS” open=”true” el_position=”first last”]
Q. Do you pour concrete?
No. We go over existing concrete.
Q. How do we clean our new coating?
Water and mild cleaner
Q. How do we deal with snow removal?
Snowblower or shovel.
Q. How often will I need to reseal?
Every 3-5 years.
Q. How long will my job take?
2-5 days.
Q. How long will my coating last?
With proper maintenance, indefinitely.
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